7 Reasons Why Plastic Surgery is Not the Answer to Low Self Esteem

Some women consider plastic surgery for various parts of their bodies through which they can look younger or become more attractive. Basically, they are in search of a means to increase their self-esteem by improving the physical aspects of their bodies.

Here are a few reasons why plastic surgery is not the cure to improving self esteem.

1. Confidence comes from within

Plastic surgery may accentuate certain body parts but this confidence is likely to be temporary. Physical attractiveness gives the type of confidence that is limited to help you present yourself to the world. It is not the type of confidence and self-esteem that will help you to sail through troubled times. Real confidence comes through experience, trial, tribulations, and effort, not by going under the knife.

2. Plastic surgery doesn’t guarantee high self esteem

If you are convinced by the magical effects of plastic surgery, have you ever thought about what would happen if those magical effects don’t work on you? Plastic surgery doesn’t come with a certified document guaranteeing confidence. You could easily be one of the exceptions who feel discomfort after plastic surgery and is left without a single trace of self-esteem.

3. Plastic surgery could go terribly wrong

While many women only read about the positive impact of plastic surgery, they may not come across stories that talk about the damaging effects of the same. Not every plastic surgery is successful. There are times when a surgery could go terribly wrong and have appalling side effects. If you become a victim of such a situation, imagine how badly your self esteem would drop to a whole new low.

4. Plastic surgery can create unrealistic perceptions

Plastic surgery may enhance your looks and make you feel more attractive, but it can be a double-edged sword. Studies have shown that women can become addicted to going under the knife and tie in their self-worth to their appearance. It may reach a stage where you feel that the only way you can go ahead in life or interact with people is by constantly perfecting how you look. Such an unrealistic perception can prove to be harmful.

5. Plastic surgery is expensive

Confidence, self esteem and self worth are not virtues that can be bought off the shelf of a market or be obtained through plastic surgery. They have to be cultivated over time. Irrespective of which part of the body you want to get tweaked, plastic surgery can be very expensive. You may chose to invest that amount of money in accessing resources that help you improve your self esteem instead of paying the doctor to go under the knife.

6. You could be ridiculed because of your plastic surgery

Plastic surgery may be used by many celebrities frequently but for common people, it can be an indulgent affair. When others see your artificially accentuated body parts, they could ridicule you. You may become the laughing stock in your friend circle and elsewhere.

Your friends and acquaintances could talk about your surgery behind your back. When rumors of your plastic surgery come floating back to you, it can harm your self-esteem instead of making you feel more confident.

7. People may not look beyond your physical appearance

High self esteem is the result of the positive perception that others have of your intelligence, personality and attractiveness. A balanced combination of these factors leads a person to ooze confidence.

Plastic surgery may help you get the body definition you want, but it may lead people to stop looking beyond your appearance. Your well-defined body may in fact become the barrier for others to know about your intelligence. This is one of the reasons why plastic surgery is not the answer to correct low self-esteem.

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