Jessie James Decker Come To Grief Over Weight Gain Trolls
“They’re talking about how fat I’ve gotten and how boxy and how terrible my body looks,” claimed the star done tears. Jessie James Decker has had sufficient of the online venom threw at her over her weight and compelled her on body shaming.
On Tuesday, the musician took to her Instagram Live to let her fans know she was made conscious of a Reddit thread that “rips” her apart “daily” and that she is prepared to blackout the haters.
“They’re talking about how fat I’ve gotten and how boxy and how terrible my body looks,” she began. “They’re accusing me of editing my body and all these things. It’s pretty awful and I just cannot believe this is still happening in the world, that people are doing this.”
She admitted that she was “obsess” over her weight, but in 2021, she decided to let herself “live” and gained 10 pounds in the process. “I eat what I want and I’m happy with that,” she continued. “But when you are writing blogs and stories and bullying me about how much weight I’ve gained and how fat my thighs are, I do take that offensively because what is the messaging that you are sharing?”
“How can you wake up and live with yourself?” she asked the trolls, adding, “I’m shaking because I cannot believe what I’m reading.” Distressed, Jessie started to cry as she said her confidence has been exaggerated by the horrifying remarks.
“It does make you stop and you look in the mirror and you go, ‘Oh my God, is there something wrong with me?'” she explained with tears in her eyes. “I am such a strong, confident person and I always have been, but it does hurt my heart a little that people are ripping every little thing about me apart.”
Jessie claimed she was undertaking the IG Live from a bathroom since she didn’t famine her 7-year-old daughter to observe her tears. “It’s mean and it’s bullying and it’s not OK and I hope my daughter doesn’t grow up in a world where people do this to her because it’s wrong and I think we all need to do better.”
She then repeated to the public she is a “human being” who is pretentious by words. “I know that I’m not perfect, but you pointing out my flaws, the things that I’m already insecure about, it already hurts me. And it doesn’t feel good to be picked on or bullied or ripped apart. I’ve dealt with it my whole life and I thought it would be over once I became an adult and it’s not.”
After saying she was about to “pull it together” to enjoy the respite of her mommy/daughter vacation, Jessie had some farewell words for the trolls. “If you don’t like me, then leave me alone. If you don’t like what I have to say, if you don’t like what I do if you don’t like anything about me, then stop paying attention to me. Just leave me alone. Don’t obsess over what I do. Don’t look at my pictures. Don’t look at my videos. Don’t look at my posts. If you don’t like me, leave me alone.”