Chilling Indifference: Woman Makes Sandwiches While Discussing Ex’s Murder
In a disturbing display of calm, Tasmin Glass, a woman convicted in the brutal murder of her ex-boyfriend Steven Donaldson, was seen making sandwiches and engaging in small talk as detectives questioned her about the crime. This eerie scene is part of a new Channel 4 documentary series, “Murder Case: The Digital Detectives,” which delves into the investigation of Donaldson’s murder.
In June 2018, Donaldson’s burnt body was discovered in a remote nature reserve in Scotland, leading to a complex police investigation. Glass, who was 20 at the time and pregnant with Donaldson’s child, had orchestrated the murder with her then-boyfriend Steven Dickie and his friend Callum Davidson. Both men were convicted of carrying out the vicious attack, reported by My London.
Detective Constable Nicola Annan recounted her surreal encounter with Glass at a café in Kirriemuir, Scotland, where Glass was employed. Despite the gravity of the situation, Glass appeared unfazed, continuing her routine of preparing food. “She continued to make up sandwich fillers and spread rolls and have general chit-chat,” DC Annan said, noting Glass’s bizarre behavior during a critical moment of the investigation.
The documentary captures Glass’s emotionless demeanor throughout the police interviews, where she offered no responses other than “no comment” and maintained a chilling blank stare.
The crime itself was marked by extreme violence. Dickie and Davidson, armed with a baseball bat, knife, and an axe, ambushed Donaldson in a park under the pretense of meeting Glass. He was then driven to Kinnordy Loch nature reserve, where he was fatally attacked and his body set on fire.
While the murder was being carried out, Glass returned home, interacted normally with her family, and managed to sleep through the night, as confirmed by data from her health app, highlighting her chilling detachment from the brutal crime.
As Glass approaches potential parole after serving half of her 10-year sentence, the pain and outrage among Donaldson’s family and community continue. They have petitioned the Parole Board, insisting that Glass remains incarcerated for the full term of her sentence, reflecting the gravity and cruelty of her actions.