What causes sagging skin under armpits and how to remove them

In this day and age when society judges our appearance, more and more people are becoming more aware of their bodies. The most common problem areas in the body are the abdomen, arms, legs and chin. Since many of us deal with excess fats in these places, we already know how to get rid of them.

But what if you are dealing with excess fat and skin in the least common problem area like the armpit? The excess fats in this area of ​​the body can certainly damage your self-esteem. This is especially true in the summer season when sleeveless tops are one of the trendy outfits. If you want to get rid of sagging skin under your armpits, you must read this letter.

What causes sagging armpits?

Why does our skin sag, especially in the armpit area? Well there are many reasons!


Sagging skin is a sign of aging. The elasticity and firmness of the skin are maintained with the help of collagen and elastin. With increasing age, the production of these substances in the body is significantly reduced.

Sun exposure

We know that UV rays are harmful to our skin. It can darken our skin tone and cause unwanted hyperpigmentation. But another result of too much sun exposure is sagging skin.
This is because our skin cells are damaged by the sun’s UV rays during prolonged exposure to the sun. This unwanted exposure can accelerate skin aging, leading to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin. Aside from sagging skin, exposure to the sun can also lead to wrinkles and fine lines.

Rapid weight change

If you’ve lost weight quickly, your skin is likely to sag. This also applies if you have had bariatric surgery or liposuction. This is because your skin is very stretched and therefore has some problems pulling it back.

How to get rid of sagging skin on armpit skin?

Yes, there are many things that can cause sagging skin. But no worry! There are also many ways to smooth out underarm skin. Yes, you don’t have to be stuck with limp armpits all your life! Here are some of the treatments that come to the rescue:

Drinking water

Our skin cells are made up of water. If we don’t drink enough water, our skin becomes hydrated and our skin cells don’t function properly. Then there is a risk of wrinkling and sagging of the skin. Therefore, you should make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Take collagen supplements

The main reason for sagging skin is the decreased production of collagen in your skin. If you are of legal age, the only way to increase collagen production in your body is to take supplements. When choosing collagen supplements, choose the hydrolyzed collagen option as it is more easily absorbed by the body compared to other types of collagen supplements on the market.

Lose weight slowly

The best thing you can do is take your weight loss journey slowly, as rapid weight loss can lead to sagging skin. If you want to lose weight, do not lose more than 1-2 pounds per week. In addition, you should try to maintain your muscle mass while losing weight. You can do this by following a balanced portion diet rather than a restrictive diet.

To practice

Triceps muscle strengthening can help reduce sagging not only in your armpits but also in your arms. The best way to do this is to do different types of weight training and aerobic exercise on a regular basis.

Some of these exercises include triceps extensions, rope pushdowns, bench dips, triceps pushups, triceps kickbacks, and more. You can also do dumbbells to speed up the whole process. If you don’t know how to properly perform these movements, your best bet is to hit the gym and hire a personal trainer to guide you on how to do it.

Try laser treatments

If you want to do something like the beauty industry, the best option you have is laser skin rejuvenation treatment. This can give warmth to the skin underneath, which can stimulate collagen production. In addition, it is effective in tightening the fibers of the skin. You may need to have multiple sessions of this treatment and it may take some time to see results, but rest assured; This treatment can produce long-lasting effects.

Apply skin tightening creams

Sagging skin has become a widespread problem and hence the beauty industry has developed a variety of products that tone, tone, and tone the skin. These products contain active ingredients such as retinoids, beta or alpha hydroxy acids.


If all else fails, your last resort is to try arm lift surgery or more commonly known as Brachioplasty. This procedure is designed to remove excess fat deposits from the skin and to tighten loose, sagging skin in the armpits. If sagging skin is already preventing your arms from being used by restricting their movement, this is your best option.

The sagging skin in the armpits can be annoying – it can be unsightly and make you feel embarrassed. But the good news is, you don’t have to face the consequences because you can find a way to get rid of them! We hope that you will find an effective one from the above treatments!

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