Jessica Klick and daughter Sienna
Photo by Jessica Klick

Mother Warns Parents After Daughter Suffers Severe Burn from Nail Glue

A mother has issued a warning to parents after her 11-year-old daughter, Sienna, suffered a second-degree burn from a surprising reaction between nail glue and fabric. Jessica Klick, the mother, shared the incident in a TikTok video, explaining that Sienna was at a friend’s house trying on fake nails when the accident occurred. A few drops of nail glue accidentally landed on Sienna’s cotton sock, leading to a serious burn.

“Apparently, nail glue reacts with cotton and wool and causes instantaneous heat. It caused a severe second-degree burn on my daughter’s foot,” Klick shared in her TikTok post. She showed a photo of Sienna’s burned skin, revealing raw and inflamed areas around her ankle, told the Independent.

Thankfully, the friend’s mother acted quickly, cutting off the sock and rinsing Sienna’s burn until Klick could arrive. Klick shared an image of her daughter’s bandaged foot, wrapped in gauze. Her TikTok video quickly gained traction, amassing over 141,000 views and hundreds of comments. Klick used the platform to emphasize the importance of adult supervision when children experiment with beauty products and raise awareness about potential chemical reactions between nail glue and fabrics like cotton and wool.

“The way my jaw dropped when I saw how severe that burn was,” commented one user. “I hope your daughter is OK now!” Another added, “I had no idea. Glad the mom was there to help your daughter”, according to the People.

According to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, household items like glue and nail care products can cause significant harm if mishandled. The study highlighted the potential for chemical burns from adhesives, underscoring the need for supervision when children use such products.

In an interview with People, Klick recounted the distressing moment when she received the call from the friend’s mother. She was in the shower when her nine-year-old son answered the phone on her behalf. “He came to tell me what happened. I stepped out to talk to the mom and could tell by her voice that it was more than a superficial injury,” Klick said. She rushed to the friend’s house, only minutes away, where she found Sienna in tears.

While most of Sienna’s burn has healed since the incident, which occurred over a month ago, one area remains sensitive and needs to be covered. “Many girls her age begin to experiment with these products, and most parents don’t realize that this chemical reaction can occur,” Klick added. Her post has received positive feedback, with many parents thanking her for raising awareness and others sharing similar stories.

Klick advised parents, “If they choose to allow their children to use fake nails, they should supervise closely to help prevent what happened to my daughter.”

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