The Importance of Sharing Life Experiences
Now, I live on my own with my 2 dogs and my cat, and as this lifestyle is a recent development for me, it is taking a little bit of adjustment. There are certain things that I don’t think I have ever done before, such as changing light bulbs…. Sounds silly right but its true!
Another thing that I noticed/realized the other day was that there is no longer anyone around to talk to about things that happen during my day…. I noticed this the other day when after struck by genius I found a new way to do something in the house! But there was nobody to share this experience with! Ok it wasn’t ground breaking in any way and actually involved me cleaning a rug! So not terribly exciting to anyone else…
I actually had to wait for someone to call me so that I could share my extreme excitement about my new discovery! This gave me a very odd feeling, as I realized that many of us are so used to just having someone there to share experiences with that it automatically becomes a part of our lives… And when it disappears it can be a little upsetting, and lonely!
It is important that we share life experiences with others whether they are good or bad as this is a part of what makes life fun and interesting. Sharing stories and experiences dates back to the beginning of time and is extremely important for a human’s capability to communicate with one another not to mention it gives people an insight into who we really are and allows us to get to know another person on an intimate level.
This ability to share experiences and knowledge is no different when it comes to business, and although there are many cut-throat business owners out there who think that they should keep all the knowledge to themselves and all the money for that matter…. We disagree here at the Prosperity Community!
We actively encourage our members to spread the word about our life changing products and want them to attract more people in order for everyone to benefit from the success of the program! Without our passionate members we would be nothing, and our continued success is thanks to all of you who have been championing us with word of mouth marketing or any other way you have chosen to get the word out there!
So remember to share experiences, even if you have to pick up the phone, share all experiences, good or bad….. And you are guaranteed to enjoy a more fulfilled life, not to mention a more prosperous one when you begin your journey with The Prosperity Community!